Friday, May 4, 2007

Frugal Fridays

Can you believe that it's Friday again? My tip is simple, but tried and true. We all love to splurge on ourselves and our children. When you do - SHARE! I have friends that take their children to Mc D's or somewhere and everyone gets their own drink, fries, etc. My children know that when we do enjoy a special treat, we share. Sometimes, we'll go to the convenient store and buy a big slush, then divide it into smaller cups. They wouldn't be able to drink a whole one anyway. I wouldn't want them to.


Green Thumb Lady said...

Ok, Jen was this ment for me, you know I share everthing, BUT MY DIET COKE!! He He, Love Meg

Mom2fur said...

We used to do this when we all went out, because so much was wasted when we let everyone get his/her own drink or fries. Now, if my husband and I go to Wendy's or McD's for lunch, we always share a drink! (My kids are older now, so this tip worked when they were little.)